Unusually shaped boxes or
rare special features of boxes
Spieldosen / music boxes
5 perforations en façade
6 perforations en façade
25 small perforations
S-förmige Schalllöcher
Curved music boxes or curved parts ()
„Chinched in waiste“ Case
Folded lid
„Framed case“
Large Front Inlay
Pultförmig, like a desk or similar to a conductor's stand
An der Wand montierte Spieldosen (wall mounted music boxes - under construction, coming soon)
Unusual Cylinder Musical Box with Bells and 'GARDEN', presumably a dancing doll (now abSsent) (Breker 26. 3. 2022)
Buffet style case / Sideboard Buffet style case
Measuring tape / Maßband
A kind of double face on the FRONT SIDE of the case
Kassetten mit figuralen Darstellungen (Halbreliefs)
Viennese clock with semi-precious stones (early 20th century)
Ungewöhnlich großes, fast flächendeckendes Inlay am Deckel / giantinlaylid (1)
Ungewöhnlich großes, fast flächendeckendes Inlay am Deckel / giantinlaylid (2)
Music box in form of a tooth
Biedermeier-Aufsatzkommode / Upright Bureau Desk
140 cm high coin operated music box
Upright pocket size format
Extrordinary case (1)
Extrordinary case (2) Ducommun Girod 34020
Like A Wing Hood (erinnert an eine Flügelhaube)
Victoria Commemoration Cabinet
Bottom of the box with two steps / Zweistufige Gestaltung des Bodens der Kassette
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