Chapter 1 Expanded tune sheets of the draped column design •BelMoRoWeMeyerFlot–VerDonSLabGSch•
No s/n
[1] Rechangeable, 18 Airs, 3 Cyl., Girlande 1 Windung / intertwined once N° 4871, 36 airs, 6 cyl., (Girlande 1 Windung / intertwined once) [1] Rechangeable, attributable to Brémond, no serial number, 18 airs on 3 cylinders, MUSIQUE MANDOLINE, music sheet draped column design •BelMoRoWeMeyerFlot-VerDonSLabGSch•
[2] Rechangeable 3 Cyl., Baccio Norma, Martha, Musique Mandoline •BelMoRoWeMeyerFlot-VerDonSLabGSch• [3] Rechangeable, attributable to Brémond, no serial number, 30 airs on 3 cylinders, music sheet: draped column design •BelMoRoWeMeyerFlot-VerDonSLabGSch•
[4] [Rechangeable], 6 cyl., 48 airs, Tambour, Castagnettes en Vue attributable to Brémond, music sheet draped column design •BelMoRoWeMeyerFlot-VerDonSLabGSch•
N° 4871, Rechangeable by Brémond, cylinders, music sheet draped column design •BelMoRoWeMeyerFlot-VerDonSLabGSch•
B. A. Bremond numbered 4871, plays 36 airs on six cylinders, case with hinged and moulded cover and having classical inlaid cartouches, with the large tune sheet inside. The interior fitted with one of the six 10 ¾ inch pin barrels and playing on a perfect single piece steel comb with large spring barrel winding mechanism with side ratchet handle and change/repeat and stop/start levers. The music box mounted on the original side table with boxwood stringing, canted corners and fitted drawer with hinged top cover, containing the remaining barrels, each numbered from 1 to 6. The whole raised on four bobbin turned legs with square section stretchers and carved corner brackets..
N° 12645, Rechangeable, 1st: Star Spangled Banner, Trovatore, Mazurka, 30 airs on 3 cylinders, music sheet: draped column design Three 14 inches cyl., each three pieces of music FABRIQUE DE GENEVE,
N° 14170, Interchangeable, 36 airs on 6 cylinders, Mandoline, music sheet draped column design •BelMoRoWeMeyerFlot-VerDonSLabGSch•