16/4: •BelMoRoWeMeyerFlotOffBruschi – VerDonSLabGSchWagAub•:
Bremond no s/n [fictitious 15000]: Full Band. Flute, Whistle [Flute], Drum, Bells


6: La princesse de Trébizonde



F. C. Lecoultre & Co, New York (agent)






Front side of the case: a kind of double face



Zur Sitemap Spielwerke der Firma Bremond

16/4: •BelMoRoWeMeyerFlotOffBruschi – VerDonSLabGSchWagAub•:
Bremond no s/n [fictitious 15000]: Full Band. Flute, Whistle [Flute], Drum, Bells