3 – Very broad music sheets /
broadened music sheets /
sehr breite Musiktafeln

Kapitel und Links / chapters and Links

Chapter 1 Bremond (two draped columns)
( music boxes)

Chapter 2a / ( Chapter 2 (left and right a WALKING female figure / links und rechts eine GEHENDE weibliche Figur)
( music boxes)

For comparison only: SIMILAR: Nicole N° 44258

Chapter 2b / ( Chapter 2 (left and right a STANDING female figure / links und rechts eine STEHENDE weibliche Figur)
( music boxes)

Chapter 3 / Chapter 3 (left and right a STANDING female figure) / links und rechts eine STEHENDE weibliche Figur)
( music boxes)
Chapter 4 (PFV and Cuendet)
( music boxes)
Chapter 5 (U-like graphems) ( music box)

Chapter 6 (three intertwined festoons)
( music boxes)

Chapter 7 (handwritten tune sheet)
( music box)

Chapter 8 ('Captains Desk' Davenport Side-Change Interchangeable Mandolin Cylinder Musical Box)
( music box)

Chapter 9 (Top center: Guitar / Left and right side: Upright Oval Emblems / Bottom center: Round Emblem)
( music boxes)

Chapter 10 (Top center: Banderole “Fabrique de Genève” and a triangle shaped unidentified graphem in the center
( music boxes)

LINKS (and more if You click with the arrows several boxes to the left and to the right) ()

Chapter 11 (Baker-Troll), Top center: Eagle

(Later Tunesheet)

Chapter 12

Chapter 13 Allard
( music box)

Chapter 14 (Interchangeable with 9, originally 10 cyl.)
( music box)