2 – Cherubs / putti / angels / petit anges / Engel / Engelchen on the tune sheet

tune sheets / Musiktafeln

Bottom center: cherub as conductor


Top: Lyra
Bottom center: Cherub as conductor

Bottom right: Putto with a telescope on a tripod ()

Top: Dove
Bottom center: Cherub as conductor


Top left: 4 cherubs, top right: 2 cherubs,


Cherbubs, Paris 1867, Bottom Center Lyra


Bottom center: 2 cherubs musicians

Left and right 2 cherubs (1)

Left and right 2 cherubs (2)


Thibouville-Lamy ()


Medium sized Mermod Frères (I)
(LEFT part of the tunesheet) ()

Mermod Frères

Two Cherubs with mus. instr. left and right

Medium sized Mermod Frères (2)
(RIGHT part of the tunesheet)

Weill & Hartburg “The Bridge”

Left a cherub, right side misssing


Top: violin, 2 cherubs, violin, bottom: harp player King David

See Henry Barnett Abrahams

Top left and right: putti (Épée)

Top center: 2 putti (Junod)
