The JUNODS Alfred Junod & Cie Arthur Philippe Junod (*1864 , †1904, 1888) Arthur Junod-Turin (1894/1895–1899) Firma „JAC“® (Junod, Aubert & Cie) Félix Junod (Vater von Arthur Philippe) Junod Frères (Edouard-Eugène and Charles-Louis Junod, 1890–1908) Samuel Junod [II] (~1852, La Sagne, music box manufacturer)
The inventions or designations of the products of the JUNODS „Cartel-Werke a der Jura-Region“ Alexandra (a), Alexandra (b) (Alfred Junod) Completaria (Arthur Junod and Cesar Aubert) Duplex (a), Duplex (b) (Alfred Junod) Helicoidales System (Arthur Junod and Cesar Aubert) Helicoidales Patent (Vertrag mit Bornand) Helvetia (Junod-Aubert & Cie) Interchangeable (Completaria) (Arthur Junod and Cesar Aubert) Interchangeable (Alexandra) (Alfred Junod) Jurassien (a), Jurassien (b) (Junod-Aubert & Cie) MUSIQUE ORDINAIRE (Arthur Junod-Turin) Perforated plates (Vertrag mit Mermod) Orphea (a), Orphea (b), Orphea (c) (Alfred Junod) Symplicitas (Arthur Junod-Turin) Cartel-Spieldosen von Junod ( Music boxes / Spieldosen mit zunächst einmal 5 bekannten Designs von Musiktafeln, weitere könnten noch folgen Featured composers chapter 2/3 ( Junod stand in engem (verwandtschaftlichem) Kontakt zu Cuendet und Mermod. Seine Mutter Rosa Cuendet stammte aus l´Auberson. Junod Neffe war Jules Cuendet, und beide halfen einander öfters gegenseitig aus (TMB 16, 8, 1994, S. 237) Zur Gesamtzahl der Musiktafeln die von Junod verwendet wurden 1.) Musiktafeln mit Porträts von (2) Komponisten:orphea
2.) Musiktafeln mit (4 kleinen) Porträts:
3.) Rousseau-Insel-Musiktafeln
Das Île Rousseau ist eine Insel und Park in Genf, in der Mitte des Rhone, die gerade vom Genfer See abgeflossen ist. Île Rousseau tune sheets for Junod Île Rousseau tune sheets by Bremond Vergleiche dazu die Ansichten von Genf 4.) Auch die (oder zumindest ein Teil) der auf der linken Seite sind der Firma Junod zuzuordnen 5.) Lyras links und rechts sowie unten mittig Zu der nach Junods Vorbild konstruierten Columbia (1890) von Paillard Alfred Junod (Sainte-Croix, 1884–1888)U. S. Patents of Junod, Alfred, Ste. Croix: 356,251, Jan. 18, 1887 – assigned to M. J. Paillard & Co., N. Y. C. Co-patentee: 445,699, Feb. 3, 1891 – assigned to Alfred Junod & Co., Ste. Croix, Switzerland. Switzerland, 2, 293, June 9, 1890. (Mosoriak p. 93) Inventor of the Duplex system (1887), “In the Sainte-Croix region, Alfred Junod was one of the most imaginative music box manufacturers ever. We owe him the development of music boxes with the Duplex system, the Alexandra boxes with interchangeable cylinders operating according to the mandrel principle, as well as the Orphea model distributed in the United States.” (Piguet 2004, p. 238) “Alfred Junod set up his company on 24th December 1884 in Sainte-Croix, in the Rue des Lilas 9, which was also the home of Louis Sègalini, an ingenious worker who developed many improvements for music boxes. During those early years, Alfred developed a new music box system which he patented in several countries and in the United States in 1887. This system was baptized Duplex for the simple reason that it had a double set of cylinders and combs tuned the same way, playing the same melody together.” (Piguet 2004, p. 238) “Junod made several variations on the Duplex system, as did other manufacturers such as Paillard and Mermod Frères. The first model had cylinders and their respective combs mounted in parallel one behind the other. The second, which was more rare, played two cylinders in line, with the governor assembly in between. According to Ord-Hume, these boxes had a spectacular mechanism which gave them a powerful sound, however at the cost of musical quality. This perhaps explained why they were not a commercial success.” „Junod, Alfred, Ste-Croix, Switzerland, c. 1887. A clever musical-box maker of good quality who devised the Duplex musical box which played two cylinders at once on two combs mounted in parallel. Also made large boxes with spring motor and escapement mounted entirely beneath the bedplate.“ The Junod company “In 1888, about ten years of investigation, the Swiss government passed a law on inventors patent, which the industrial leaders of the country had been claiming vigorously for some time, to begin with, by Nestlé whose petition was signed by many Sainte-Croix music box manufacturers. During the first two years of activity of the federal bureau, many manufacturers applied for patents in order to protect the inventions of the previous years. Alfred Junod was one of them.” (Piguet 2004, p. 239) Junod, Société. This was the association formed by They patented a new style of cylinder box using a motor and endless assembly mounted under the bedplate. This was covered by US patent 445699 (3 February 1891), British patent number 12170 (2 August 1890) and French patent 207352. These boxes usually had a repoussé-type silver cartouche in the lid bearing the serial number of the box, and the mechanism was handle-wound from the right side.“ Alfred Junod & Cie., a partnership with Jules Jaccard and Paul Calame-Jaccard (1890–1896) U. S. Patents of Junod, Alfred, Ste. Croix: 356,251, Jan. 18, 1887 – assigned to M. J. Paillard & Co., N. Y. C. Co-patentee: 445,699, Feb. 3, 1891 – assigned to Alfred Junod & Co., Ste. Croix, Switzerland. Switzerland, 2, 293, June 9, 1890. (Mosoriak p. 93) Alfred Junod 1896–1916/1934 “The adoption of this law and the hopes it raised, as well as the inventiveness of which Junod and various other particularly imaginative people of Sainte-Croix were capable, encouraged him to create a company on 28th June 1890. Its objective was ‘to register patents for the manufacture of music boxes’. It was called Alfred Junod & Cie., a partnership with Jules Jaccard and Paul Calame-Jaccard.” (Piguet 2004, p. 239) Alexandra “The musical movement was provided by a beautifully polished mandrel on which the removeable cylinders slid like a sleeve on an arm. The pins were placed on the cylinder surface and did not come out on the inside. The absence of cement was compensated by a telescopic mandrel. These music boxes were produced in three different sizes, always with zither and tune sheet. The sound quality, however, was considered relatively weak.” (Piguet 2004, p. 239) “When they first started up their activity, the three associates developed a variation of the Alexandra, an interchangeable cylinder box in the shape of a ‘U’.” (Piguet 2004, p. 239) Orphea “The company created to file patent applications most likely did not produce the desired results. It was a fact that only the Duplex was made by other manufacturers and to our knowledge no other patents were used except by Alfred Junod and his partners. This was undoubtedly also the reason why the partners [Jules Jaccard and Paul Calame-Jaccard] [...] gave up their company on 12th August 1896, leaving Alfred Junod to continue production. The latter´s own company was meanwhile in financial difficulties but in 1895 he managed to pay off all his creditors, with the result that the situation improved.” (Piguet 2004, p. 239) End: 1916/1934 TMB 18, 5, 1998, p. 136, Nr. 28; Bellamy, Music Makers of Switzerland, (2015), p. 6 Félix Junod, (La Sagne, ein km südlich von St. Croix) From Félix, *1835, †1895, to Arthur Junod Junod Arthur, Ste. Croix, U. S. Patents: 366,325, July 12, 1887 – assigned to Emile Cuendet, Hoboken, New Jersey; 367,409, Aug. 2, 1887 – assigned to Jacob & Son, New York City. (Mosoriak p. 93) US-Patent of a André Junod, citizen of Switzerland, Auberson, Switzerland and Jersey City, N.J.: 550,917, Dec. 3, 1895 – assigned to Emile L. Cuendet, Brooklyn, New York; 629,259, July 18, 1899. “Between 1860 and 1900, a highly prosperous period for the music box industry, the Junod family´s activities in this particular field were prolific and creative, with Félix and his son Arthur, who he managed to infect with the music box virus.” (Piguet 2004, p. 238) “Félix Junod-Cuendet, born on 5th August 1835, had three brothers: Salomon, Gustave and Jules; as well as two sisters: Marianne and Julie. He married Rose-Julie Cuendet, sister of Jules Cuendet, manufacturer from L´Auberson, and so the entire family revolved around music boxes. They had ten children, of whom Arthur-Philippe, born on 24th May 1864 and Elise, who would later marry César Aubert.” (Piguet 2004, p. 238) “Félix Junod-Cuendet lived in La Sagne and was a member of the SIC (Société industrielle et commerciale) from the moment he started working. His music box production began in the late 1860s.” (Piguet 2004, p. 238) „Junod, Félix, Ste-Croix, Switzerland. A maker of musical boxes c. 1860.“ In 1880, together with his younger brother Jules, Félix participated in the Exhibition of Machine-Tools for the Watchmaking Industry in Geneva Then he prepared a large music box which he was going to exhibit at the National Exhibition of Zurich in 1883. In the meantime, however, local manufacturers had asked for a representative to be nominated to the jury. The SIC proposed Félix Junod. This proposal was accepted by the organizers and so, for the first time, Félix found himself among the members of the jury who had to examine the products of group 33, i.e. musical instruments. He performed this task with professional competence and impartiality, a fact which was recognized by the jury. He exhibited the box he had made but this could obviously not compete.” (Piguet 2004, p. 238) “After that, the J. Junod-Cuendet company never again participated in any exhibition and gradually Félix Junod transferred the company to his son Arthur. The latter had lived and breathed in this type of atmosphere ever since he was a little boy. He was undoubtedly very precocious because he applied for this first patent at the age of twenty-two. The company disappeared on 7th September 1895, after the death of its founder, but a new company was already in place from 31st July onwards.” (Piguet 2004, p. 239-240) Junod-Aubert & Cie “Arthur Junod and his brother Louis went into partnership with César Aubert to set up a private company under the name of Junod-Aubert & Cie. He was not devoid of resources. He discovered a new improvment to the interchangeable cylinders, for which he submitted a patent application in England on 13th October 1886, followed by others in Germany, in France and in the United States the following year.” (Piguet 2004, p. 238) Helvetia and Jurassien Helvetia “This box was available in a ‘semi-rich’ or ‘inlaid’ box, offering many musical styles: ‘ordinary, symphony-zither, drums-bells, piccolo-zither, expressive mandolin, sublime-harmonie or other expressive melomedium’; it could play six to twelve tunes on cylinders of a diameter oscillating between eighteen and twenty-seven lines, with a length between five and half and sixteen inches.” (Piguet 2004, p. 238) Jurassien Louis Jaccard, Berlin “In 1891, Louis Junod retired from the partnership, which was subsequently modified to Junod et Aubert, but continuing the same activity. Two years later, on 18th October 1893, the company broke up, its liquidation was finalized in 1896. Cantonal Exhibition Yverdon 1894 “César Aubert presents several pieces of different sizes, among which a very beautiful box with double cylinder and powerful sound, a so-called harmony-flute box, as well as a musical chalet. Other boxes, of fine workmanship, have bells, drums, flutes, etc. From there on the two manufacturers went their own way: Arthur Junod-Turin (1894/1895–1899) Arthur Junod-Turin developed the heliocoidal system (called symplicitas), but went bankrupt on 28th July 1898. “In spite of the fact that the patent application for the heliocoidal system – called symplicitas – submitted by Arthur Junod in 1896 brought renewed hope, the latter went bankrupt on 15th June 1896. The bankruptcy was revoked on 11th November of the same year and on 21st January 1899, Junod abandoned music box manufacture.” (Piguet 2004, p. 238) César Aubert (1896–1898) “From there on the two manufacturers went their own way, Arthur Junod-Turin created his own company on 31st July 1895 and César-Louis Aubert on 21st January 1896. However, both companies were short-lived as neither manufacturer took the initiative to launch the production competition for the cylinder boxes. César Aubert gave up his company on 28th July 1898 and became an insurance salesman.” (Piguet 2004, p. 238) Completaria (interchangeable cylinder box system) André Junod „Junod, André, Switzerland. Devised a disc-plaing musical box which dispensed with the need for disc projections. Worked for Mermod Frères and was responsible for the designing of the Stella musical box which employed his principle.“ Arthur Philippe Junod, *May 1864 , †Feb. 29th, 1904 Félix Junod und Rosa Cuendet heirateten 1855. Im Mai 1864 kam deren Sohn Arthur auf de Welt. Firma JAC® (Junod, Aubert & Cie) (1888–?) In den Jahren 1830–1841 war ein (derselbe?) Aubert mit Henry Daniel Capt assoziiert gewesen. „Cartel-Werke aus der Jura-Region“ (Jurassien) Die 1888 gegründete Firma Junod, Aubert & Cie brachte 1889 den ersten Katalog heraus Der J.A.C. sales catalogue von 1889 war dreisprachig: Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch.
Helvetia TMB 18, 5, 1998, p. 136, Nr. ebenfalls 29 1889: Heirat mit Anna Turin 1894: Firma Arthur Junod-Turin Junod bezeichnet sich selbst als Hersteller 1896: Vertrag mit Bornand über das Helicoidale Patent “Arthur Junod fell ill and was no longer able to develop all the projects growing in his agile mind, which were drafted on sheets of paper and which finally took life and sound with the transformation of the metal. On 20th February 1904, he submitted yet another set of documents to Bern for a patent covering an automatic stamp dispenser. He [Arthur Junod] died nine days later [February 29th 1904] in Sainte-Croix at the age of forty.” (Piguet 2004, p. 240-242) Samuel Junod [I] (1800s–1830) “Around 1814-1815, Samuel Junod was one of the first to take an interest in cylinder snuffboxes. He carried on his activity until 1830 and was registered as an établisseur.” (Piguet 2004, p. 238) Samuel Junod [II] (?–?), Félix Junod-Cuendet (?–?) Junod Frères (Edouard-Eugène and Charles-Louis Junod, 1890–1908) “Charles Junod-Jaccard was a member of the Société industrielle et commerciale from 1895 onwards. The company was a pillar of the local economy in the 1900s and was one of the twenty-two signatories to the convention adopted in 1902 with the Music Box Workers´ Union, which meant that it produces only small boxes, perhaps even rough movements.” (Piguet 2004, p. 238) “As a result of the problems it encountered, the company closed down on 21st April 1908.” (Piguet 2004, p. 242) „Junod Frères, Auberson. Musical-box manufacturers, fl. 1900.“ Zuschreibung an Junods Frères / attributed to Junod FrèresLink to Vincent Freemann: Antique Long Marche Sublime Harmony Music Box by Junod, c. 1890