Chapter 11 The left and right part dominating: dancing pair: 2 figures on each side, the left being a dancing couple Die linke und rechte Seite dominieren das Bild: 2 Figuren auf jeder Seite, ein Tanzpaar links Druck: Picard-Lion Maker: MMC (Mojon Manger & Co) (and others?)
/ [1] 1st: Cavalleria, 2nd: Valse de Faust [2] Fortissimo Timbres, Antique Charles Paillard & Co, 8 airs [6] Coin operated and Sticker wind up spring slowly [7] Fortissimo, 1st: Lucia di Lammermoor [11] 1st: Sea Saw, 2nd: The Mikado [12] 1st: Erminie, 3rd: The Mikado [13] Soprano (still from a film) N° 1913 Sublime Harmonie, 6 airs N° 4396 Herzenstelegraf, Swiss N° 14220 Herzenstelegraf Strauss, 8 airs N° 26830 Sublime Harmonie Piccolo N° 28392, 1st: Marche, 10th: My old Kentucky home N° 28441 Fortissimo Timbers Vue Buffer N° 28444 Fortissimo Timbers Vue Buffer, Swiss N° 28555 Le Blue Danube, Swiss, Lith Picard Lion N° 29341, 1st: The Wedding; 8th: Pizzicato; 10th: Martha N° 30436 Tambour Timbres" Castagnettes" Fortissimo Piccolo, Swiss N° 30986 Lith. Picard Lion, Swiss, 6 airs N° 31425, 4th: Carmen, 8th: My Old Kentucky N° 31539 "Buffet" style music box N° 32253 Guitare Indicateur Zither N° 33657 Fortissimo, Lith Picard Lion, 6 airs N° 34029: Fortissimo, 2nd: Boccaccio N° 34069 Excelsior Piccolo, Picard Lion, 12 airs N° 34465 Tambour Timbres, Jaccard du Crand, Fabrigue de Pieces Musigue Vignette N° 38437 Fortissimo Tambour Timbres N° 40147 Fortissimo Tambour, Timbres, C. Jaccard du Grand N° 46952 Timbres en Vue, SWISS Reuge-Reprint in verkleinertem Fomat, THORENS Reuge-Reprint in verkleinertem Format, Brahms-Walzer op. 39/15 [1] No number: 1st: Cavaleria, 2nd: Valse de Faust [2] No serial number: Fortissimo Timbres, Antique Charles Paillard & Co, 8 airs [3] No serial number: Longue Marche, 8 airs ©Ord-Hume Music Box, tune sheet no. 48 Hochquellen : Walzer ; für Pianoforte ; op. 132 Kaulich, Josef, 1827-1901 [KomponistIn] I. [Erste] Wiener Hochquellenleitung, opened at Oct. 24th, 1873. Bellamy: Music Makers of Switzerland, p. 299 Bellamy: Music Makers of Switzerland, 2015, p. 299 [4] No serial number: Buffet, 12 airs ©12 tunes on 13" cylinder overall 30"x17"x9 1/2" [5] No serial number, Excelsior Piccolo
[6] Serial number unknown, Coin operated and Sticker wind up spring slowly and evenly
[7] Serial number unknown, Fortissimo, 1st: Lucia di Lammermoor [8a] Serial number unknown, Fortissimo
[8b] Serial number unknown, Fortissimo
[9] Serial number unknown, Forte Piccolo Timbres
[10] Serial number 3117 ?
[11] Serial number unknown, 1st: Sea Saw, 2nd: The Mikado
N° 1913: Sublime Harmonie, 6 airs N° 4267: 12 airs
N° 4396 N° 14220 N° 20640: Gautschi, 12 airs N° 26783: Sublime Harmonie, 12 airs N° 26830: Sublime Harmonie Piccolo, 8 airs ©Sublime Harmonie Piccolo Musical Box by Mojon, Manger & Co., c. 1895 No. 26830, playing eight popular and light operatic airs including "Martha Overture", with three combs of 38, 30 and 39 teeth (all three complete), nickel-plated movement, double-springs, butterfly-wing governor, governor-cock stamped "MMC", tune-indicator, tune-sheet and veneered case with thuya borders and floral inlay in original (somewhat faded) finish, on complementary cabinet of the period, wd. 27 ¾ in. (70.5 cm), cylinder 15 in. (38 cm), ht. with cabinet 42 in. (107 cm) N° 28441: Fortissimo Timbers Vue Buffer, 8 airs N° 28444: Fortissimo Timbers Vue Buffer, Swiss Swiss mojon manger N° 28510: 12 airs Mosoriak Plate 140 N° 28555: Le Blue Danube, Lith. by Picard Lion N° 28792: Swiss , 6 airs N° 28972: Swiss , 6 airs N° 29341, 1st: The Wedding; 8th: Pizzicato; 10th: Martha
N° 30436: Tambour Timbres" Castagnettes" Fortissimo Piccolo, Swiss, 12 airs ©Height: 5 in. (12.7 cm), Width: 14.5 in. (36.83 cm), Depth: 7 in. (17.78 cm) 1stDibs: LU4037315424222 N° 30818, Swiss N° 30846 N° 30986 N° 31425, 4th: Carmen, 8th: My Old Kentucky N° 31539: Buffer ©A cylinder "Buffet"style musical box by MMC (Mojon Manger & Co) of Switzerland C1890 no 31539. The 'Alternate Tip' cylinder musical box, cylinder length 33cm plays 12 airs as per original tune sheet, double spring motor. Case and mechanism professionally restored. Sold with a 2 year guarantee. ©16 x 22 x 43 cm 30 8.75 x 17 inches N° 32253: Guitare Indicateur Zither
N° 32595: MMC (Mojon Manger Co) Bedplate with double curved edges Case: 6" X 24" X 9"
N° 33657: Fortissimo, Lith Picard Lion, 6 airs N° 34069: Excelsior Piccolo, Picard Lion, 12 airs N° 34465: Tambour Timbres, Jaccard du Crand, Fabrigue de Pieces Musigue Vignette, 12 airs ©26"x15"x12" ©2021 December N° 38437: Fortissimo Tambour Timbres, Swiss No 38793: Fortissimo Timbres N° 40147: Fortissimo Tambour, Timbres, C. Jaccard du Grand N° 46952: Timbres en Vue, SWISS Nachdruck Thorens (20. Jhdt.)
Reuge-Reprint, 3/36, Brahms Walzer op. 39/15 und zwei weitere
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