Chapter 10

The left and right part dominating: an organ on the right, mnemonic easy to remember: “RORGAN” (=“Right: ORGAN”)

Die linke und rechte Seite dominieren das Bild: Orgel rechts, Merkwort, leicht zu merken: „RORGEL“ („Rechts: ORGEL“)

Spieldosen / music boxes

[1] Lustige Krieg,

[2]6 airs],

[3] 8 airs],

[4] 8 airs],

[5] Catawiki],

[6] Grandfathers Clock, 8 airs],

[7] 1st: Erminie, 4 airs,

[8] 1st: Pirates of Pencanze, 2nd: Sonnambula, 4 airs,

[9] Interchangeable 3 cyl,

[11] Mocking Bird],

[12] Mocking Bird],

N° 101½ ,

N° 101.5, 3rd: Sweet Bye and Bye

N° 104, Mandoline, 4 airs,

N° 20731, 2nd: Rigoletto Over (Verdi),

N° 21389 Fled bahnfrei fahrbach, 6 airs,

N° 25406, 3rd: Hail Columbia,

N° 25898, 8 airs,

N° 26400, 4 airs,

N° 27406, 3rd: Hail Columbia, 4th: Nützt das freie Leben,

N° 27631, 6 airs,

N° 27990, 2nd: Carmen,

N° 28020, 4 airs,

N° 29289, 1st: Martha,

N° 29817, 1st: Pretty blue Danube, 2nd: Home Sweet Home, 4th: Martha,

N° 29956, Timbres en vue,

N° 32178, 6 airs,

N° 33101 Harpe Eolienne - Zither,

N° 33155, 1st: Sittle blue...,

N° 34606, 4 airs,

N° 35377, 10 airs,

N° 37020, 1st: Sweet Bye and Bye,

N° 40650, 3rd: Mikado, 5th: Sweet Bye and Bye,

N° 41217 Karp Zither, Kentucky, 8 airs,

N° 43835 Cedarburg, 4 airs,

N° 44207, 8 airs,

N° 45106, 1st: The Mikado, 6th: Sweet Bye and Bye,

N° 48571, 3nd: Erminie,

N° 48854, 8 airs,

N° 49147 Mikado, 6 airs,

N° 49185, 6 airs,

N° 50580, 10 airs,

N° 52721, 2nd: Home sweet Home, 8th: Erminie,

N° 53559, 1st: Wedding, 10th: Mascot,

N° 54482, 1st: The Merry Monarch,

N° 55566, 1st: Beggar Student, 2nd: Blue Bells of Scotland, 4th: Erminie,

N° 56358: Harpe Zither,

N° 56856, 1st: Hold the...,

N° 57256 Jaybird, 8 airs,

N° 57269, 8 airs,

N° 57887,

N° 67787, 1st: Edward VII March

[1] No serial/number, 1st: Lustige Krieg, 8 airs

[2] No serial/number, 6 airs

[3] No serial/number: 8 airs

©Jean Louis Gobbaerts (28 September 1835 – 5 May 1886) was a noted Belgian Romantic era concert pianist, piano teacher, and composer. Popular and successful in his own day, Gobbaerts published over 1200 piano compositions.

Breite 52,2 cm, Höhe 14,5, Tiefe 22,5 cm. Walzenbreite 27,5 cm Gewicht etwa 10,2 kg. Gerät spielt alle 8 Melodien am Stück: 1. Der lustige Krieg (Walzer) - Strauß 2. Carmen (Streitgefecht) - Bizet 3. Donna Juanita (Walzer) - Suppé 4. Tramway Galop - Gobbaerts 5. Der Ritter muss zum blutgen Kampf hinaus 6. La Grande Duchesse de Gerolstein - Offenbach 7. Lucie - ? 8. Der lustige Krieg (Polka) - Strauß

[4] No serial/number: 8 airs

©1. Der lustige Krieg (Walzer) - Strauß 2. Carmen (Streitgefecht) - Bizet 3. Donna Juantita (Walzer) - Suppé 4. Tramway Galop - Gobbaerts 5. Der Ritter muss zum blutgen Kampf hinaus 6. La Grande Duchesse de Gerolstein - Offenbach 7. Lucie - ? 8. Der lustge Krieg (Polka) - Strauß

[5] No serial/number: Catawiki

[6] No serial/number: Grandfathers Clock, 8 airs

[7] No serial/number, 1st: Erminie, 4 airs

[8] No serial/number, 1st: Pirates of Pencanze, 2nd: Sonnambula, 4 airs

[9] No serial/number, Interchancheable 3 cyl.

Swiss 8-1/4in cylinder music box with nickel-finish music mechanism,
burl wood case with white painted mask central mount, and lower drawer containing two additional cylinders (all numbered) with matching music cards

H: 10-1/2in. W: 27-1/4in. D: 16in

[11] No serial/number: Mocking Bird

N° 101½, 4 airs

Transfer decoration

[12] No serial/number: Mocking Bird

N° 101.5, 3rd: Sweet Bye and Bye, 4 airs

N° 104, Mandoline, 4 airs

Ebay 2024 Apr 21

N° 20731, 2nd: Rigoletto Over (Verdi), 6 airs

Ebay 2022 Oct 31

N° 21389: Fledermaus, Bahnfrei (Fahrbach), 6 airs


N° 25406, 3rd: Hail Columbia, 4 airs

N° 25898: 8 airs

N° 26400: 4 airs

N° 27406, 3rd: Hail Columbia, 4th: Nützt das freie Leben4 airs

Nützt das freie Leben

N° 27631: 6 airs

N° 27990, 2nd: Carmen, 8 airs

N° 29289, 1st: Martha, 4 airs

N° 29817, 1st: Pretty blue Danube, 2nd: Home Sweet Home, 4th: Martha, 8 airs

Ebay 2024 Jän 15

N° 29956

Fig. 30-14. (Courtesy R. Caletti). Circa 1880´s, possibly for Ami Rivencfor Ami Rivenc. (Bellamy: Tuneheets Makers Agents (2022), p. 30/5, Fig. 30/14)

N° 32178: 6 airs

©caselongx6.14widex 5high

N° 33101: Harpe Eolienne - Zither, 8 airs

N° 33155, 1st: Sittle blue..., 8 airs

N° 34606, 4 airs

©30 x 15,5 x 12,5 cm

© Name=orch&ru=https%3A%2F%2 Fws%2FeBayISAPI.dll%3FSignIn%26ru%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252F Frequested%253 Dneroantik&iid=0b16fb44-858b-4030-8108-ad29879e6238&iim=KNjIuNc&iia=RDDcuMzZv&iiz=FvtkuMjE3JPV ©Ebay 2022 Sep 09

N° 35377, 10 airs

N° 37020, 1st: Sweet Bye and Bye, 6 airs

Ebay 2022 Dec 6

N° 40650, 3rd: Mikado, 5th: Sweet Bye and Bye, 6 airs

Ebay 2024 Apr 23

N° 41217: Harp Zither, Kentucky, 8 airs

N° 43835: Cedarburg, 4 airs

N° 44207: 8 airs

©17" x 8 1/8" x 5 1/4"

N° 45106, 1st: The Mikado, 6th: Sweet Bye and Bye

17 L x 8 D x 5½ H

N° 48571, 3nd: Erminie, 6 airs

N° 48854: 8 airs

N° 49147: Mikado, 6 airs

N° 49185: 6 airs

N° 50580: 10 airs

N° 52721, 2nd: Home sweet Home, 8th: Erminie

21.5 x 9.75 x 6

N° 53559, 1st: Wedding, 10th: Mascot

5 H x 21¼ W x 9½ D

N° 54482, 1st: The Merry Monarch

Ebay 2023 Jun 7

N° 56358: Harp Zither

Escutcheon with 2 „arrows“ at the ends

Without figure: Underside stamped, "Sold by J.M. Reutter Stratford, Ontario". Retains original tune card on inner lid. Subtle oxidation to comb and cylinder. Measures: 5.5" x 18" x 9".

N° 56856, 1st: Hold the...

N° 57256: Jaybird, 8 airs

N° 57269: 8 airs

©Ebay 2021 Dec 19

N° 57887

Length of the case: 13,5 inches

Transfer decoration on the lid

Ebay 2022 Nov 12

N° 67787: Edward VII March

2: The Isle of Champagne (Furst)
7: Mocking Bird
8: O schöner Mai