Henri Daniel Capt Capt, Jeanne Antoine, Geneva, circa 1760-1773. Capt, Henri Daniel, Geneva, c. 1802 – 1850. Very fine quality musical snuff-boxes and musical watches. Among the earliest manufacturers to adopt a single-piece comb. Also made some large overture boxes, c. 1840-50. Was associated with Isaac Piguet in 1802. Capt & Janin A small piece of musikwork with a seven-tooth stacked comb has been recorded with the imprint Capt & Janin. Horngacher-Blyelle dates this as 1802-12, Geneva.
And ( [1] Fingerring mit Figurenautomat und Spielwerk um 1803 [2] Henry Capt, Sektionalkammspielwerk mit 100 Zungen (etwa 1820) [3] Kapt/Karrer signed music experimental changeable box of the 1850/60 period [4] Henry Capt No s/n, 4 Ouvertures, each in 2 parts AND Capt & Piguet und [Second Link]