4/3: •Bollini or Bellini-Aubert[=Auber]-HerWe•:
François Lecoultre 2138

Ähnelt dem Design in Kapitel 6!



Repairman's stop (stop-at-once)

„... sound unsurpassed by anything that came later … Early boxes like this also have a control for stop-at-once, the so-called repairman's stop, which was pretty much dropped at the end of the keywind era ... The brass bedplate is stamped 1552“ (©Lynn Bilton, https://www.intertique.com)

Zur Sitemap Spielwerke der Firma Lecoultre

Zur Sitemap Spielwerke der Firma BB&C

4/3: •Bollini or Bellini-Aubert[=Auber]-HerWe•:
François Lecoultre 2138