Adre [=Alexandre] Soualle (~1850 – 1860) "Alexandre Soualle established what was probably the first French musical-box factory at the Chȃteau Villetaneuse, St. Denis, close to Paris. No exact dates are known, but it appears to have been around 1850-60. The venture is thought to have been short-lived and few Soualle boxes survived. The black-printed tune sheets bear the initials A.S:V in the top border and the legend: Musiques des Paris, Fabriqué au Chateau de Villetaneuse près St. Denis (Seine). The letters `AS´ are cast into the underside of the comb base but, although in the correßct order, the letter `S´ is reversed. The boxes seen are all lever-wound and the name is stamped both on the comb and on the flat of the winding-handle."
For more PICT, please, click here ( For more PICT, please, click here ( Die Gesamtanzahl der SOUALLE-Spieldosen / Total:
Signete / Stamps / Stempel Stempel Chateau Villateneuse, today suburb of Paris