Mermod Frères music boxes, the most with flûtes, (introduced about 1850), producing music by means of reeds. The reeds play in combination with the music-box comb. Not only interchangeable to the specific music box, but also to other boxes playing the same size cylinder!
Gesamtsumme / Total:
Spielwerke / Ideal ( Ideal Sublime Harmonie Piccolo ( Soprano ( Idéal
Unnummerierte, 112 cm lange Spieldose Unnummerierte, sehr große Spieldose der Marke „Idéal“ („Ideal“) der Firma Mermod Frères, Sainte-Croix Ebenholzgehäuse mit Kerbschnitzereien und Bronze-Zierstäben, 112 x 52 x 50 cm Einfacher Federmotor (Federbreite 98 mm!) mit Handaufzug, Geschwindigkeitsregler und Münzautomat. (DRP 33516 und Schweizer Patent 55886). Stahlkamm mit 140 Tönen von G bis b''', wobei bei 26 Zungen zwei gleich gestimmt sind, bei 5 Zungen drei, bei 3 Zungen vier und 2 Zungen fünf. 2 Walzen zu je 6 Musikstücken (Dauer 90 Sekunden) Walzenlänge: 51 cm, Ø 85 mm Weiss-Stauffacher: Musikautomaten, S. 32, Inv.-Nr. 1.21.17 Zu den folgenden Begriffen siehe im Jacot-Kataog von 1895/96): Ideal Concerta
[2a] Ideal Concerta
[2b] Ideal Concerta [4] Ideal Concerta
[5] Private ownership #
Ideal Excelsior
Zur Ideal Excelsior siehe im Jacot-Kataog von 1895/96) [1] Unnummeriert
Ideal Guitare
Zur Ideal Guitar siehe im Jacot-Kataog von 1895/96) [1] No s/n, interchangeable, all together 4 cylinders [2] No s/n, interchangeable, all together 4 cylinders (one missing)
[3] No s/n, Hughes Auctions
Zur Ideal Piccolo mit Zither Guitar siehe im Jacot-Kataog von 1895/96)
[1], [1] Unnummeriert [2] Unnummeriert / no s/n [3] (Interchangeable) [4] Ruby Lane [5] Schmitt Horan [6] Skinner [7] Ralph Fontaine
Oak Jacots Ideal Piccolo model interchangeable cylinder music box with drawer and three 11" cylinders Ralph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc. Lot 0313, 2022 Nov 20 [8] Gary McGraw Ideal Soprano
51881 See also in the Jacot-Catalogue 1895/96 (1/2) See also in the Jacot-Catalogue 1895/96 (2/2) No. 51881 Ideal Soprano
[2] (Breker) [5] Fontaines
Ideal Sublime Harmonie
No. 48282, Cultivate Collectors Services, Evans-Jeffrey, Wehrly, Dutch Auction Company No. 48282
Cultivate Collectors Services [1] (Evans-Jeffrey)
[2] Wehrly
[3] (Dutch Auction Company) WITHOUT REEDS!
Ideal Sublime Harmonie Piccolo
[1] (Regina) [1] [1a] Ideal Sublime Harmonie Piccolo: Ancient Objects (Nov 2022) 4 x 18" cylinders in carved front mahogany case and a 2 drawer mahogany stand having a carved front atop 4 round fluted legs. Measures: Music box only 13" High x 40 1/2" Wide x 18" Deep,
[2] Ideal Sublime Harmonie Piccolo: Donley (May 2021) [3] Ideal Sublime Harmonie Piccolo (Mosoriak) „IDEAL“, Sublime Harmonie Piccolo music box. Made of heavy, golden oak with extra-heavy bronze hardware. Has oak stand to match. Dimensions of box: 36“ high; 17“ wide; 12“ deep. Dimensions of stand: 42“ long; 21“ wide, 30“ high. The works is equipped with: Jacot´s Safety Check of 1886; speed moderator; and change-repeater device. This works was built to accomodate interchangeable cylinders and was equipped with cylinders Nos. 53, 106 and 101 (17 ½“ long). The crank to wind the spring-motor is on the outside of the box at the right (not shown in the picture). Perry Ghere collection. Mosoriak 124-125, plate 26 [4] Ideal Sublime Harmonie Piccolo (William Smith)
[5] Ideal Sublime Harmonie Piccolo (Fontaine)
[6] Ideal Sublime Harmonie Piccolo (Musical Treasures of Miami) [7] Ruined comb
[8] Ideal Sublime Harmonie Piccolo Interchangeable (Shapiro) [9] Ideal Sublime Harmonie Piccolo Interchangeable (Woody) 13" X 39.5" X 15.5"
Peerless Forte Piccolo
[1] (Burchard), [2] Interchangeable, [3] three interchangeable cyl. and zither arrangement HARP INTERIOR: Mermod, Peerless Forte-Piccolo music box, having Jacot's safety check, carved scrolling foliate design at the observe. 2.5" x 9" cylinder. Case Approx. 8.5" h x 23.5" l x 13" w. [2] Peerless Fortepiccolo: Interchangeable [3] Peerless Forte Piccolo: 3 interchangeable cylinders with zither attachment
Peerless Forte Piccolo Swiss interchangeable cylinder music box with zither attachment and 2 additional six tune cylinders in lower drawer of carved front oak case. Excellent working condition. Measures 25" x 14" x 11". Cylinders measure 9". [Nr. 4] Soprano
Sublime Harmonie Piccolo
Ideal Sublime Harmonie Piccolo
# Ohne Musiktafel
[1] Ohne Musiktafel [2] Ohne Musiktafel [3] Ohne bekannte Musiktafel, Gehäuse im Makart-Stil Unnummeriert