Keith, Prowse & Cie
"This extremely old business still exists today, although it is no longer associated with musical instruments as such. It can be traced right back to the musical-instrument-making partnerships of Longman & Broderip, Clement and John Longman. Giles Longman took over the business of John Longman and in turn was absorbed into the business of R. W. Keith in about 1822. William Prowse joined ~1829, the firm now being named Keith, Prowse. Keith died in 1846 and Prowse, at the age of 81, in 1886. His (Prowse´s) son-in-law, William Bryan Jones, continued the business as Keith, Prowse & Co. at 48 Cheapside, London until his death at 57 in May 1891. The company factored musical instruments, published music, and had a large piano factory in North London. A large number of clockwork public-house-type pianos were built and the company was also agent for German electric pianos and orchestrions. During the First World War, when music rolls for these instruments were impossible to obtain, Keith, Prowse developed a thriving business preparing new music rolls playing, in many cases, British patriotic songs. Keith, Prowse sold musical boxes at one time and boxes are found bearing their labels." Seit etwa 1928 bis heute bestehendes Geschäft in London, das früher in erster Linie mit dem Verkauf von Musikinstrumenten und Spielwerken befasst war No maker`s mark, Double spring Siehe die Reprints 42681 und 43582 Nancy-Fratti-Reprint-Bestellnummer Nr. 47 – e-mail – Nancy Fratti order number Nr. 47 Das Original: Nicole Frères 43251
No maker`s mark, with Doublespring
Music box with nine bells
See Nicole Frères 34083