Fisher Price Toys

Hans Mollet was the first to obtain orders from the American toy manufacturer Fisher Price, which continued coming in until the mid-1960s.

In 1959, Charles-Emile Matthey receiced the first Fisher Price orders.

In the sixties [...] Fisher Price demanded substantial rebates from Gueissaz.

Charles-Emile Matthey regularly visited his American customers, in particular Fisher Price, and in February 1967, an unforgettable meeting took place, a Summit meeting. Finally, Fisher Price acquired 25% of the capital of Matthey SA, which would be progressively increased to 2,000,000 francs during the next three years

In 1970 the daily production fo Lador was 18.000 movements, up to 4 millions a year, with 12, 18, 22 und 28 teeth (two thirds of which were destined for the United States, essentially Fisher Price).

At the beginning of the year 1985 the „Big Five“, Reuge, John and Edouard Cuendet, Gueissaz-Jaccards and MAP SA in Yverdon, who had the largest annual production, but had to close in the same year. MAP SA was dependent on one single client, the American company Fisher Price, who bought half of his products.

In 1985 Fisher Price had problems with the tooth of a Lador-comb for a small record player, which had broken. Fisher Price considered that this could compromise the feeling of safety children needed, plus other reasons, all of which served to cover up the truth. The American company was increasingly interested in electronics and wanted prices and payment conditions which Lador could not possibly give, with the result that they finally opted for one single supplier: Sankyo, the Japanese manufacturer