Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx, †1587 (Paris), was an Italian violinist, composer, and choreographer

On 24 September 1581 Henry III's favorite the Duke de Joyeuse married Marguerite de Lorraine (1564–1625), daughter of Nicolas, Duke of Mercœur and sister of the queen consort Louise of Lorraine. For the wedding celebrations Queen Louise devised and presented a five-and-a-half-hour dance extravaganza called the Ballet Comique de la Reine. She organized her own team of writers and musicians: The text was by the Sieur de la Chesnaye (Nicolas Filleul), the music by "Lambert de Beaulieu" (in fact Girard de Beaulieu), and Beaujoyeulx, who created the scenario, choreographed, stage managed, and directed. Since it incorporated a story line about the legend of the mythological enchantress Circe, it is generally regarded as the first ballet.