Schweizer Spielwerk, 32 Sektionen à 3 Zungen, und 1 à 1 Zunge, insgesamt 97 Zungen
Bonhams (no further specification)

An early musical clock base with fusee movement
playing four operatic airs, the fine key-wind single-spring fusee movement with eleven-turn chain-wheel, sectional comb with 32 groups of three teeth and one single grande-bass tooth, on raised polished brass comb bar, the timepiece actuation paddle with steel rod linkage to anchor-pivot start/stop override, on plain un-stamped brass bedplate with blued screws to base, motor and cylinder brackets, and twin-fan governor components, in highly polished red-mahogany elongated oval case, with later fully removeable and specially-made acrylic dust cover, with the period timepiece support panel in matching wood, key-wind on right-hand side above the engraved control board bearing the functions in French, on small turned bun feet - 17.1/2in. (44.5cm) wide, the depth 9.1/2in. (24cm), the height 4.1/2in. (11.5cm), and the cylinder length 10in. (25.5cm)

©Bonhams (no further specification)