Ungemarktes Spielwerk, N° 77, mit 22 Sektionen à 3 und einer à 1 Zunge
A rare commission-made silver-gilt and blue guilloche enamel musical box, by Karl Griesbaum With unmarked pre-1820 period cylinder movement Serial Number 77, with the 23-part sectional comb with teeth in groups of three, exceopt the treble sect. with only 1 tooth, playing two airs of complex notations, on plain brass bedplate, within the solid silver-gilt chased and tooled case, with central inset guilloche enamel in Royal blue of a basket of flowers on radial burst ground and laurel wreath surround, further wreath spandrels which are repeated to sides laterally, indent tooled rounded corners, start/stop and change/repeat dome buttons to front, opening to reveal inset compartment within main panel of full radial chasing, polished mahogany lid interior, the underside with matching chasing and cmaker’s trademark flowerhead bolts, elaborate key on clip boss – 4in. (10cm) wide, the cylinder 2.1/2in. (6.5cm) Known of course for their extensive singing bird box, cage and whistling figure catalogue from the early 1920s through to the late 1970s, the typical trademarks of the firm are clear here, from the flowerhead bolts, the interior polished mahogany panel and the use of specific tooling to their manner – as seen closest on their famous casket singing bird box model, the No. 17. Nr. 98 of the