Cylinder music work, 15 sections, 2 teeth each, in a fine, French, gold, musical repeater watch with gold dial, dial-wind. Its dial bears the name, „BREGUET et FILS“. The lower view shows the back cover opened disclosing pin-cylinder type music works
©Mosoriak plate 4

Breguet et Fils, Paris, 1816 to date (1929). This firm was composed of Breguet, (Abraham-Louis) and his son, (Louis-Antoine) and later by his grandson (Louis Clement Francois) and great-grandson, (Louis Antoine) who brought in Edward Brown, as successor, and he was suceeded by his sons, Edward and Henry. (Mosoriak)

Dimensions: 2  3/8 inch diameter; length of music works cylinder,  1 min.

To set the music works playing, a very small pin is pushed. Tune plays for 40 seconds.

Fotos: ©Mosoriak plate 4