All edges of the tune sheet similar oder identical

Alle vier dominierende Ecken des Musikzettels sind motivisch ähnlich oder spiegelbildlich gleich

Kapitel 3

Je 1 Musikinstrument in den vier Ecken

( Spielwerke / musical movements):

[2a] Concealed drums+bells,

[2b] Sixairs-New Orleans,

[SIMILAR to 2b],

[3c] Reprint,

[3d] Karrer um 1880 (Freeman 1196)

Ord-Hume, Musical Box, tune sheet 29


[3a] Concealed drums+bells

[3b] Sixairs-New Orleans

SIMILAR to [3b]

Serisl not readable

Similar to Featured Composers Chapter 10/3

Part of the Reprint Allonge

[Nr. 3c] Reprint

[Nr. 3d] Karrer 1880 Freeman1196

Ord-Hume, Musical Box, tune sheet 29

Ord-Hume, Musical Box, tune sheet no. 29


Please, see the original publiaction