Besonders große Schwarzwälder Uhren / Very great Black Forest Clocks or Large Chalets en miniature, both with musical movements
Spielwerke / movements
Big Black Forest Clock

Movement without maker's mark

Approx. h. 44", w. 30", d. 14"

Large well carved Swiss C.V. Bergen Black Forest clock and cylinder music box, 19th century, surmounted by a group of three stags on a rocky outcropping, the face with Roman numerals and two foxes crouching below in a naturalistic setting, the case signed "C.V. Bergen & Co./Interlaken", the mechanism stamped "Leuenberger/Interlaken" and "775"

mechanism stamped "Leuenberger/Interlaken

Large Cuckoo clock, 160 cm high

Greatest bass tooth

By Courtesy of Mr. Jörg Spott
Baker Troll & Co [1]

16.5 inches x 21.75 inches x 10.75 inches

Gämse und Rehkitz auf dem Deckel einer Schweizer Spieldose

21 ½" Zylinder. 12 Melodien. Geschnitztes Schwarzwälder Gehäuse mit einer geschnitzten Gämse mit Rehkitz unter einem Baum

Höhe: 60,96 cm (24 in) Breite: 96,52 cm (38 in) Tiefe: 38,1 cm (15 in)

2022 November
„Hunt piece“ / „Jagdstück“
2 m hoch

Breker Auction Team

Black Forest Music Box
Fine Black Forest Carved Wood Musical Clock, signed with metal tag “B. A. Bremond, Manufacturer, Geneva, Switzerland”

The clock surmounted by a hunter with a goat over his solider and holding a rifle, above a tree trunk support, family of birds, oak leaves, branches and embellished with an emerging rabbit and groundhog on each side
39½ x 34 x 11 inches

Hunter / Jäger

No maker`s mark

Monumental 56 inches Black Forest Carved Wood Cuckoo Clock

Hanging rabbit and pheasant with hunters bag, stag head and crossed rifles. French horn wraps around dial

Black Forest Chalet [1]

Black forest chalet with a large cylinder music box in the bottom. Has a clock in the top. 26" wide, 20" tall, 15" deep.

Black Forest Chalet [2]

Black Forest Chalet [3]

Private ownership
Black Forest Chalet [4]
