Kleinformatige Bremond-Spieldosen

Spieldosen / music boxes

39 Zungen, Lohengrin und drei weitere, 61 notes, Maritime item, N° 1334 (1st: Norma), N° 28793

39 notes, Lohengrin und drei weitere

6,6 x 12 x 8 cm

Golden Lyre House, Genf

Lithographie Duc Genéve

Kleinformatige Bremond-Spieldose, 61 notes

2 tunes. Cylinder length : 61 mm - 61 teeth

Size: 120 x78 x 45 mm

Wooden case, décor d'écusson en laiton Messing sur le couvercle
Messing-Wappenverzierung am Deckel der Holzkassette

Zu den 48 Losen dieser Auktion

Maritime Item

Music box is oval in shape, 17.5cm x 13cm, max height 10.5cm

Its would appear to have either a "Maritime, or Trade" theme. I am pretty certainly it to be of Silver, but due to its age'd condition it is difficult to locate any marks bar one (see image), appears to be a reversed B followed by AB (i have no wish to clean it & leave as original)

The one face depicts a Roped Ships Anchor, Barrel, Flags & a pair of Canons etc , the above mentioned mark is adjacent to the bottom right of anchor.

The other face depicts a pair of shaking hands, wreaths a lyre etc..please study images thoroughly!
Beneath the hands is the Motto "E Pluribus Unum" which i believe is latin for "Out of Many, One"

(Defintion of E Pluribus Unum out of many states (states or colonies), one (nation) as used on the Great Seal of the U.S and used on several U.S Coins), Motto of the U.S

To the right of the motto there appears to be a name or other, looks to read "To CHOVEL, or Fo CHOIVIEL"

Base is of leather over wood construction

Base underside retains two paper labels the larger label reads "Musical Boxes Manufacturer, B.A BREMOND, Rue Pradier No7, Geneva"

Hand written text is present above which translates to "Triumphal value is walking my France?" about triumph, value and marching forward

The smaller label reads B.A. BREMOND, Geneva

The movement was missing at this auction

N° 1334 (1st: Norma)

Petite Musique by B. A. Bremond, Place des Alpes, Geneva, the 7.2cm brass cylinder playing four airs, stamped 1334, in an ebonised case with shield plaque within mother-of-pearl inlaid border to lid, the case 5cm high, 12.7cm wide, 8.5cm deep

N° 28793 (gestempelt, ohne PICT)

Measures 6" wide, 3-3/4" deep and 2-5/8" high.

Numerical imprint: 28793 (no PICT)