Chapter 25 Left: Blue lady with great harp, palm, right: red lady with trumpet, palm Links: Blau gekleidete Damen mit großer Harfe, Palme, rechts: rot gekleidete Dame mit Trompete, Palme Made perhaps by PAILLARD (?),
N° 20676 Drums, Bells and Casta[g]nettes, N° 24452, 2nd: Mandoline, 6th: Erminie [1] Timbres [2] ALEXANDRA. 6 sleeves in stock There were three sizes and numerous styles of the sleeve.playing ALEXANDRA. This one stacks all its spare sleeves, each playing four tunes, at one side. Ord-Hume, Music Boxes, plate 102 [3] No number, 1st: The Costers [4] Harpe Harmonique Piccolo
[5] In The Sweet Bye Bye
N° 7649 N° 20676 Fig. 30-18. (Bulleid 390). Circa 1882, for serial 20676, a 12-Air musical box with standard 13-inch long cylinder playing the comb, drum, bells and castanets. The comb had only 48 tuned teeth and the accoutrements could be disengaged by means of levers. Possibly by Paillard. (Bellamy: Tuneheets Makers Agents (2022), p. 30/6, Fig. 30/18) N° 23355, 1st: Cavalleria N° 24452, 2nd: Mandoline, 6th: Erminie