[3] Great female person with lyra in the LEFT hand, bottom cherubs /

Große weibliche Figur mit Lyra in der LINKEN Hand, unten Putti /

Makers: TROLL, BAKER-TROLL, F. Conchon

Spielwerke / music boxes

Ungemarkt [1]

N° 6305

N° 6755

N° 7622 (Baker-Troll)

N° 8076

N° 8109 (F. Conchon, Fabricant)

N° 8499

N° 8757: S.Troll

Ungemarkt [5]

[1] Great female person with lyra in the LEFT hand
Unknown maker, no number

©Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates, October 2020

Great female person with lyra in the LEFT hand
N° 6305

Great female person with lyra in the LEFT hand
N° 6755

4: The Daughter of the Regiment (Donizetti)
5: Gilette The Daughter of the Regiment (Andrew?)
Boccaccio (Suppé)
Faust (Gounod)
Lohengrin (wagmer)
Ernani (Verdi)
La Cygogne (Fahrbach)


Great female person with lyra in the LEFT hand
Baker-Troll N° 7622

Great female person with lyra in the LEFT hand
N° 8076

Great female person with lyra in the LEFT hand
N° 8109

Higher resolution

5: Lob der Frauen

Great female person with lyra in the LEFT hand
Unattributed N° 8499

S.Troll N° 8757
Great female person with lyra in the LEFT hand

Great female person with lyra in the LEFT hand
Ungemarkt, unnumeriert [5]

©Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates, October 2020